30 Years Anniversary of Service Excellence 

Safe and comprehensive TSCM or Technical Surveillance Countermeasures, also known as "Debugging", Bug Sweeps, Eavesdropping detection, and screening services are provided by Advanced Corporate Solutions (ACS). 

Major decisions are usually taken in boardrooms and executive offices. Regular countermeasures surveys of these facilities, telephones, other communication apparatus and systems can prevent or limit technical intrusions by hostile entities. One of the defensive services that we offer, eavesdropping detection surveys, also referred to as Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) or "Debugging", is a set of measures to identify and locate hostile and illegal technical devices planted at your company for information collection purposes.

The 4 Pillars for the Protection of Intellectual Property


The personnel of Advanced Corporate Solutions (ACS) are experienced practitioners in the field of TSCM “Debugging”


The Second Pillar involves Mobile Forensics and includes the Analysis of Mobile Devices for Malware/Spyware...


The Third Pillar focusses on  Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments. “Working from Home” has now become the  norm and we have extended our information security services to focus on Wi-Fi security in residential areas.


Safety and Security Risk Audits of your Company, Corporate Buildings, Office Parks, Residences and Residential Estates.

TSCM "Debugging" - Technical Surveillance Counter Measure Specialists

We offer countermeasures for commercial and residential locations as well as for vehicles and aircraft. On completion of the investigation, we provide our clients with a detailed report of our findings, with recommendations for reducing exposure to eavesdropping and providing them with peace of mind. Corporate Intelligence, as one of the most specialised disciplines of Intelligence, requires specialised skills and equipment and must be instituted as a long-term strategy. The overall objective of Corporate Intelligence is to protect company interest. ACS has a proven track record in Corporate Intelligence and can provide many references in this regard.

Advanced Corporate Solutions

Specialists in Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) services for complete peace of mind.

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  • 1st Floor, HB Forum Building,
    13 Stamvrug Street,
    Val De Grace, Pretoria,
  • Gauteng, South Africa,

  • Tel: +27 (0) 12 349-1779
  • Riaan: +27 (0) 82-491-5086
  • riaan@acsolutions.co.za